26 June 2010

cosmic coincidence

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Old Uncle Dave and I were just talking about the long list of head exploders, and immediately I came across this short synopsis, this CliffsNotes version of the matter:
✘ Food. Two billion people, mostly poor, depend on fish and other wild foods for protein. They “have collapsed or are in steep decline” forcing use of more costly animal proteins. The UN calls the global food crisis a “silent tsunami.” Food prices rise making it worse for the 2.7 billion living below poverty levels on two dollars a day. In “The End of Plenty,” National Geographic warns that even a new “green revolution” of “synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and irrigation, supercharged by genetically engineered seeds” may fail. Why? A joint World Bank/UN study “concluded that the immense production increases brought about by science and technology the past 30 years have failed to improve food access for many of the world’s poor.” Meanwhile, a Time cover story warns that America’s “addiction to meat” has led to farming that’s “destructive of the soil, the environment and us.”

✘ Water: “Most of the world’s freshwater in rivers and lakes is already being used for irrigation, domestic and industrial water,” transportation, fisheries and recreation. Water problems destroyed many earlier civilizations: “Today over a million people lack access to reliable safe drinking water.” British International Development Minister recently warned that two-thirds of the world will live in water-stressed countries by 2015. Water will trade like oil futures as wars are fought over water and other basic essentials noted earlier in Fortune’s analysis of the Pentagon report predicting that warfare will define human life in this scenario of the near future.

✘ Farmland: Crop soils are “being carried away by water and wind erosion at rates between 10 to 40 times the rates of soil formation,” much higher in forests where soil-erosion rate is “between 500 and 10,000 times” replacement rate. And this is increasing in today’s new age of the 100,000-acre mega-fires.

✘ Forests: We are destroying natural habitats and rain forests at an accelerating rate. Half the world’s original forests have been converted to urban developments. A quarter of what remains will be converted in the next fifty years.

✘ Toxic chemicals: Often our solutions create more problems than they solve. For example, industries “manufacture or release into the air, soil, oceans, lakes, and rivers many toxic chemicals” that break down slowly or not at all. Consider the deadly impact of insecticides, pesticides, herbicides, detergents, plastics … the list is endless.

✘ Energy resources: Oil, natural gas and coal. Pimco manages $747 billion: equity, bonds and commodity funds. Manager Bill Gross recently described a “significant break” in the world’s “growth pattern.” He’s even betting we’re past the “peak oil” tipping point, heading down. Consumer shopping will continue declining as economies grow very slowly in the future and “corporate profits will be static.” In a recent issue of Foreign Policy Journal warns of the “7 Myths About Alternative Energy.” Are biofuels, solar and nuclear the “major ticket?” No, “they’re not,” never will be.

✘ Solar energy: Sunlight’s not unlimited. We’re already using “half of the Earth’s photosynthetic capacity” and we will reach the max by mid-century. In “Plundering the Amazon,” Bloomberg Markets magazine warned that Alcoa, Cargill and other companies “have bypassed laws designed to prevent destruction of the world’s largest rain forest … robbing the earth of its best shield against global warming.” Free market capitalism may be the enemy of survival.

✘ Ozone layer. “Human activities produce gases that escape into the atmosphere” where they can destroy the protective ozone or absorb and reduce solar energy.

✘ Diversity. “A significant fraction of wild species, populations and genetic diversity has been lost, and at present rates, a large percent of the rest will disappear in half century.”

✘ Alien species. Transferring species to lands where they’re not native can have unintended and catastrophic effects, “preying on, parasitizing, infecting or out-competing” native animals and plants that lack evolutionary resistance.


Unfortunately, history tells us that cautious leaders are myopic, driven more by self-interest and nationalism than courage and long-term thinking. Eventually they’re caught off-guard and their worlds collapse, fast. They only respond to crises. And yes, out of crisis may come opportunity. And as Nobel economist Milton Friedman put it in his classic, Capitalism and Freedom: “Only a crisis – actual or perceived – produces real change” because in the aftermath of crisis “the politically impossible becomes politically inevitable.” Too many, however, delay and respond to crises with too little, too late.
That last line is the operator, here, dudes.


calling them 'vandals' now

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Isn't that just so laudably neutral of them?
Black-clad demonstrators broke off from a crowd of peaceful protesters at the World Summit, torching police cruisers and smashing windows with baseball bats and hammers.
Whutever. Be they agents provocateurs or warriors, "vandals" doesn't exactly cut it, now does it?

You know, we don't have TIME to grow generations whose altruism is fearless... assuming tv and internet and cell phones would ever let us.... That MEANS our altruism has to get fearless—chop chop—or we're toast.

I hope the crowd scares the entire assemblage into aborting their mission and going home.


someone completely credible speaking of scalar technology

[click image, video, one hour]


Yesterday, we were busy trying to discern the veracity of a man claiming to be working on bringing us scalar technology for free energy, and I don't know why it didn't occur to me at the time to bring up Steven Greer, let alone go look to see what he had to say about all this, but, luckily for us all Agent BB2 did.

I think the most important point to make about this is, since Dr. Greer really is a kind of boy scout about these things, do you believe Obama would have the moral courage to do this? And do you think Whistle Smoke wouldn't have had the moral courage to do it?

I'm not kidding, man. You have to start thinking about these things SERIOUSLY. The physics is serious. The technology is serious. The "planeticide" is serious.

And neither wasichu nor victims will EVER change the murder of our planet.

All science, all economics, all history, has been sat on, obfuscated, denied, covered-up, HIDDEN from ALL of us, EVEN AT THE DOCTORAL LEVEL AT OUR FINEST UNIVERSITIES, for over a hundred years. You think our advancement has been so dazzling over the course of the last century? It's SO stunted and evil and oppressive it is the universal extremity of despicable incarnate.


True humans could recognize it at a glance.


BTWDonating to the Orion Project would be pretty hip....


i don't think you understand

[click image, video playlist, documentary, not exactly comprehensive, still too fairy tale, 45 minutes]


This guy, Spotted Eagle, was a Sans Arc chief who helped Crazy Horse and Gall and Two Moons thump Custer at Greasy Grass. Most people believe the fairy tales about that battle, "Custer's Last Stand". Sitting Bull didn't fight in that battle. He was sort of the head chief of the encampment—and arguably of the various branches of the tribes—no longer an active warrior. All those tribes were camped together there—some who had stayed free, and some who had left the reservations because they were being starved—in defiance of orders from Washington to clear them out, keep them from bankrupting any more railroad barons. They were there together to hunt, but knowing there would be troops trying to stop them. The pig Custer went for their women and children, intending to use them as shields so as to force the men not to fight.

Bad move.

We can't be blamed for having it wrong about the Little Big Horn, even if we should have known the history books were bullshit, because accounts of the battle by the victors disagree with each other wildly and then when you add in all the fanciful ideas of the people trying to chronicle it... yikes... a mess. But I guess all the forensics they've been doing on the battlefield has started to clear up some of the confusion. There may not have been a "last stand" at all, just thousands of warriors rising up as one and overwhelming the troops. Chasing down and killing the ones who were fleeing.

I guess I'm so interested in mentioning this because I want you to think about what you would do when they came to herd you into a concentration camp, keep you from costing the plutocrats, interfering with their profit. It's been on my mind. And it's even heavier on my mind now that the Senate has dumped so many people off unemployment benefits. First they dump you out of your job and then they dump you off any means to even eat. Don't give me the bit about food stamps, because try using them to fill yer belly when you don't have a kitchen. Not impossible, but practically so, close enough to being entirely too hungry too much of the time. Seems to me the situation is just about parallel. Who are the true humans? The troops? The people herded? Or the warriors who feed their families, despite being ordered out of the means, and kill who comes to harm them?

Our little sort of half a supermarket, here in bumfuck nowhere, has just taken to locking the doors on one side in the evenings because of the huge uptick in thefts. Little kids are coming in and trying for liquor and cigarettes, items that can be sold, no doubt by their parents, for the most return on their efforts. Little kids don't go to jail for stealing from the grocery store, but adults do. The store owners think this will funnel all activity past the checker nearest the other doors, lower the take. First they padlocked the cigarettes for real, so you can't just grab them and bring them to checkout yourself, and now this. Next they won't be leaving the huge bins full of produce out all night when they're having their big sales. They never bothered to haul them all in at closing time because nobody took them. I think this is going to get a hell of a lot worse before it gets better... everywhere.

People need to start thinking about WHO they are. Wasichu? Victim? True human?

Don't lie to yourself.

And start thinking about the real American heroes. There were very many with their priorities on straight. One of them is staring out at you from some hundred and forty years ago. They did not just lay down and let the barons railroad them with their hired killers. Sitting Bull may not have fought in this one, but he fought off many, many wasichu for many, many years before guys like Spotted Eagle and Crazy Horse and Gall and Two Moons came out for their last great victory. They are still alive. Everyone knows who the murderating fucks were and who the heroes were... and everyone knows what happens when you don't defeat the murderating fucks.


i can't get over those few stray drops of water

[click image, via Old Uncle Dave]


I know everyone's probably already seen this image in its full landscape view glory, but I keep thinking of those few little drops that escaped the oil to try to be ocean spray. They're like the voices of sense in the waves of corruption.


25 June 2010

stuck him in his man-sized cryopreservation vault

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I am going to go out on a limb, here, and suggest that possibly his diet has something to do with his ongoing problem in there where a heart would go.
Former VP Cheney hospitalized
By BEN FELLER (AP) – 1 hour ago

WASHINGTON — Former Vice President Dick Cheney was admitted to the hospital Friday after experiencing discomfort, the latest health scare for the 69-year-old Republican leader who has a long history of heart disease.

Cheney was expected to remain at George Washington University Hospital over the weekend, said spokesman Peter Long.

It was not immediately clear whether Cheney's health concern was related to his previous heart troubles. He sustained his last heart attack, deemed a mild one, in February.

Cheney was not feeling well on Friday and went to see his doctors at George Washington University. On their advice, he was admitted to the hospital for further testing.

Cheney's heart attack earlier this year was his fifth since age 37. A heart attack occurs when blood flow to the heart muscle is blocked. In that episode in February, Cheney underwent a stress test and a heart catheterization.

this thing has really sped up

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I held off on the "spill" [blowout] obsessing for a few days and so the difference today is scary. It's coming out MUCH faster. It's coming out MUCH faster. Use yer eyes.


And, uhm, the surf is fizzing in Pensacola....

Maybe I'm just being too prissy, too outta practice listening to the masters of foul language and disgusting metaphor... maybe I should try to go back and listen more carefully to SHR. I could cut him some slack for being so angry he can't hold it back. In fact, maybe it's guys bellowing like him that would get everybody up to smack down these fiends ruining the entire world.


oh, don't act like you didn't see this coming

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Puh-leeze. Were you born yesterday, er whut?


july newsletter

[click image, pdf — I SCREWED UP THE LINK. It's fixed now. Soooorry.]


I think this will be a lot easier to take and much more helpful than the netcasts. Those just drone on too long and don't give people enough context. So I will start posting these as they come out. You are welcome to use any and all of it as you see fit.


turn down the volume on yer gulf blowout lecture

[click image, audio, mp3, two hours]


This guy, "SHR", the one who has been giving us the most cogent and believable input on the matter of the apocalypse in progress down there... speaks... using some fairly obnoxiously colorful language... maybe not as helpful as the stuff he writes....


UPDATE: Here's a transcript of it....


you're not going to like this

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It's as pathetic as it is heartless.


there is a big problem getting my phd in space lizardry

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YouTube has suspended the accounts of a bunch of guys that had uploaded the interviews and lectures I've been linking. I am upset. I am REALLY upset. I am gonna hope this all turns around, but, you know, how hope goes. This is yet another thing trying to yank me onto a whole nuther plane. I don't know if I have it in me anymore, but if I do, watch the fuck out.


24 June 2010

viva wikileaks

[click image, video playlist, twenty-five minutes, via DGPNorth]


I still say Manning is a fiction. That's the only way this makes sense to me. But, whether or not some dumb kid with a heroic sense of decency actually busted himself so stupidly, there is great value to paying attention to this. We are just about at the point where we can ONLY rely on our media to be LYING.


If Manning actually even exists, he was picked as a patsy... perhaps agreed to pose as the leaker in exchange for megabucks... but the story is entirely too unbelievable the way it stands. The slime who's posing as the rat can't keep his story straight and is someone whose history tells us we can well believe would be tasked with doing this sort of thing.

The business with the WaPo reporter is obscene. Okay? Outright. He's lying. He's been lying for over a year. And, what's worse, is he's so perfectly arrogant in his arch prevarication that it's doubtful the fucker even REALIZES he's lying. Crikey. I can't think of harsh-enough epithets!

This really is Doom Day.


it isn't getting any better

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Today may be doom day.
Danger at sea: Toxic metals threaten whales
By ARTHUR MAX, Associated Press Writer – 1 hr 2 mins ago

AGADIR, Morocco – American scientists who shot nearly 1,000 sperm whales with tissue-sampling darts discovered stunningly high levels of toxic and heavy metals in the animals that they say could affect the health of both ocean life and the millions who eat seafood.

A report Thursday noted high levels of cadmium, aluminum, chromium, lead, silver, mercury and titanium in the mammals, according to samples taken over five years during a research expedition that traveled 87,000 miles (140,000 kilometers).

Analysis of cells from the sperm whales showed that pollution is reaching the farthest corners of the oceans, from deep in the polar region to "the middle of nowhere" in the equatorial regions, said biologist Roger Payne, founder and president of Ocean Alliance that conducted the research.

"The entire ocean life is just loaded with a series of contaminants, most of which have been released by human beings," Payne said in an interview on the sidelines of the International Whaling Commission's annual meeting.

"These contaminants, I think, are threatening the human food supply. They certainly are threatening the whales and the other animals that live in the ocean," he said.

Ultimately, he said, they could contaminate fish, which are a primary source of animal protein for 1 billion people.

"You could make a fairly tight argument to say that it is the single greatest health threat that has ever faced the human species. I suspect this will shorten lives, if it turns out that this is what's going on," he said.

U.S. Whaling Commissioner Monica Medina informed the 88 member nations of the whaling commission of the report and urged the commission to conduct further research.

"This provides new and very important information about the hazards and the problem of these sorts of contaminants in the ocean, both for the whales and their habitat," Medina told the audience of hundreds of government officials, marine scientists and environmentalists.

The report "is right on target" for raising issues critical to humans as well as whales, Medina told The Associated Press. "We need to know much more about these problems."

Payne, 75, is best known for his 1968 discovery and recordings of songs by humpback whales, and for finding that some whale species can communicate with each other over thousands of miles.

Payne called it the most comprehensive report ever done on ocean pollutants. "We knew that something is out there, but nobody's gone out and looked. We finally did," he said of the $5 million project.

The 93-foot (28-meter) sail-and-motor ketch "Odyssey" set out in March 2000 from San Diego, California, to document the oceans' health by taking tissue samples from the free-ranging sperm whale, which venture from the poles to the tropics. Like humans, they stand at the top of the marine food chain.

By August 2005 it had collected pencil-eraser sized samples from 955 whales using a low-impact dart gun.

The samples were sent for analysis to marine toxicologist John Wise at the University of Southern Maine. DNA was compared to ensure the animals were not tested more than once. The most startling results of the voyage, the findings on chromium, were published last year in the scientific journal Chemosphere.

The original objective of the voyage was to measure chemicals known as persistent organic pollutants, and the study of metals was an afterthought.

The researchers were stunned with the results. "That's where the shocking, sort of draw-dropping concentrations exist," Payne said.

Though it was impossible to know where the whales had been, Payne said the contamination was embedded in the blubber of males formed in the frigid polar regions, indicating that the animals had ingested the metals far from where they were emitted.

"When you're working with a synthetic chemical which never existed in nature before and you find it in a whale which came from the arctic or Antarctic, it tells you that was made by people and it got into the whale," he said.

How that happened is unclear, but the contaminants likely were carried by wind or ocean currents, or were eaten by smaller ocean creatures. Whales feed on all kinds of fish, even sharks.

"The biggest surprise was chromium," Payne said. "That's an absolute shocker. Nobody was even looking for it."

Chromium, a corrosion-resistant material, is used in stainless steel, paints, dyes and the tanning of leather which can cause lung cancer in people who work in industries where it is commonly used.

It was impossible to say from the samples whether any of the whales suffered diseases. But Wise applied chromium to healthy whale cells in the laboratory to study the effect. He found that the concentration of chromium found in whales was several times higher than the level required to kill healthy cells in a Petri dish, Payne said.

The report said that mercury, ranging from one part per million to 16 ppm, were found in the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans. "All mercury levels are higher than the maximum U.S. figure" considered safe, Payne said.

Another surprise was the high concentration of aluminum, used in packaging, cooking pots and water treatment, although its effects are unknown.

Payne said whales absorb the contaminants and passed them on to the next generation when a female nurses her calf. "What she's actually doing is dumping her lifetime accumulation of that fat-soluble stuff into her baby," he said, and each generation passes on more to the next.

The consequences could be horrific for both whale and man, he said.

"I don't see any future for whale species except extinction. This not on anybody's radar, no government's radar anywhere, and I think it should be."
But will it affect the market for whale meat? That is the question.


bragging rights

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We're doomed.


High weirdness on the commenting thing here today too... among other things....




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These will be the A1 best covers for when any of our provocateurs get busted. Out of work guys can sell six-trips-to-Pakistan-worth of tools, mystically, to go Rambo OBL, or unemployed Arab-Americans can sign up to be homegrown terrorists joining jihad. Why on earth ever didn't I think of that?
Pakistan court convicts 5 Americans in terror case

SARGODHA, Pakistan — A prosecutor says a Pakistani court has convicted five Americans on terror charges and sentenced each to at least 10 years in prison.

Rana Bakhtiar made the announcement Thursday in the Punjab town of Sargodha. He says the men have the right to appeal.

The five young Muslims from the Washington, D.C. area, were arrested in Pakistan in December after their families reported them missing.

The case is one of several involving alleged
"homegrown" American militants linked to Pakistan, but the only one being tried in a Pakistani court.


23 June 2010

let's try to get as far out there as we can

[click image, audio, one hour]


I mean, why the heck not?


it's rainin' oil

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Look for yourself.


And, for the record, I just LOVE how protestors deal with cops in Argentina....


you realize, of course, that gossiping over stanley's fate is just

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And putting Betrayus back in isn't any better than putting McChrystal in to begin with.

It's all so fucking DESPICABLY beside the point. The POINT is to get OUT.


getting old is not for wimps

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No it ain't, and this is certainly grossly underestimated and a gross understatement of the grinding poverty being experienced by widows across the globe:
Report: Over 115 million widows live in poverty

UNITED NATIONS — At least 245 million women around the world have been widowed and more than 115 million of them live in devastating poverty, according to a new study launched Tuesday night by Cherie Blair, wife of the former British prime minister.

The most dire consequences are faced by 2 million Afghan widows and at least 740,000 Iraqi widows who lost their husbands as a result of the ongoing conflicts; by widows and their children evicted from their family homes in sub-Saharan Africa; by elderly widows caring for grandchildren orphaned by the HIV/AIDS crisis, and by child widows aged 7 to 17 in developing countries, the report said.

"Across the world, widows suffer dreadful discrimination and abuse," Blair said. "In too many cases they're pushed to the very margins of society, trapped in poverty and left vulnerable to abuse and exploitation."

She said many are cheated out of their husbands' assets and property and expelled from their family home — and since they have no money they can't support their children, "so misery is heaped on grief."

Blair was in New York to launch the report entitled "Invisible Forgotten Sufferers: The Plight of Widows around the World," commissioned by the Loomba Foundation which works in a dozen countries to help widows and educate their children.

"The plight of widows — in the shadows of the world — is a human rights catastrophe," said Blair, the foundation's president. "It's really a hidden humanitarian crisis."

She said the foundation had been working on the basis that there were about 100 million widows but decided to do a study from published sources to get a more accurate figure. She said the foundation was surprised to discover there were at least 245 million widows worldwide, almost half living in poverty.

The report stressed that persecution against widows and their children is not limited to the developing world, noting that large numbers of widows are also found in Europe and Central Asia.

According to the report, the countries with the highest number of widows in 2010 were China with 43 million, India with 42.4 million, the United States with 13.6 million, Indonesia with 9.4 million, Japan with 7.4 million, Russia with 7.1 million, Brazil with 5.6 million, Germany with 5.1 million, and Bangladesh and Vietnam with about 4.7 million each.

Blair said women become widows when their husbands are killed in conflicts, die of diseases including HIV/AIDS, or are killed because they work in dangerous conditions, the only jobs available to many poor men.

When their husbands die, she said, some women are required to be "cleansed," some are erroneously accused of murder or witchcraft, some are required to marry another member of the family, many are disinherited and forced out of their homes and many are raped.

According to the report, over 500 million dependent and adult children of widows are caught in a vicious underworld in which disease, forced servitude, homelessness and violence are rampant and youngsters are denied schooling, enslaved or preyed upon by human traffickers.

The foundation was established in 1997 by Raj and Veena Loomba in honor of Loomba's mother, who was widowed at the age of 37 in India when her husband died of tuberculosis and raised her seven children by herself.

"There are few resources in the world available to help widows achieve a safer, more comfortable existence and to promote their equality and pursue justice on their behalf," Loomba said.

He said that's why the foundation is campaigning to put the plight of the world's widows on the U.N. agenda and to have June 23 — his mother's birthday — declared International Widows Day to raise awareness of the crisis.
And, yes, hardly surprising from this quarter that the numbers would be gentle and a Widows Day declared where actually only a vastly more equitable and humane world is all that will cut it.

Happy Widows Day! I baked you a cake!

at least someone has a plan of action

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And once again, maybe it behooves us to THINK about some of the stuff he's screaming.
Oil gushing at spill site after vent damaged
Cap removed after sub hits vent; 2 cleanup workers die in separate events
NBC News and news services
updated 9:53 a.m. PT, Wed., June 23, 2010

NEW ORLEANS - Oil was again gushing from the BP spill site on Wednesday after the company was forced to remove the containment cap when a robotic submarine hit a vent. The news came as officials also reported two deaths of people who had been hired for the response effort.

BP hoped to reinstall the cap later Wednesday after fixing the vent and checking for safety.

When the robot bumped the system, gas rose through the vent that carries warm water down to prevent ice-like crystals from forming in the cap, Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen said.

The cap was removed and crews were checking to see if crystals had formed before putting it back on. Allen did not say how long that might take.

"There's more coming up than there had been, but it's not a totally unconstrained discharge," Allen said.

In the meantime, a different system was still burning oil on the surface.

Before the problem with the containment cap, it had collected about 700,000 gallons of oil in the previous 24 hours. Another 438,000 gallons was burned.

The current worst-case estimate of what's spewing into the Gulf is about 2.5 million gallons a day. Anywhere from 67 million to 127 million gallons have spilled since the April 20 explosion on the Deepwater Horizon rig that killed 11 workers and blew out a well 5,000 feet underwater. BP PLC was leasing the rig from owner Transocean Ltd.

Gunshot death reported

The deaths reported Wednesday were not tied to the containment operation. The Coast Guard said the workers had been involved in cleanup operations but that their deaths did not appear to be work related.

One death was a boat captain who died of a gunshot wound, a Coast Guard spokesman said. Further details were not immediately available.

Earlier Wednesday, BP said that Bob Dudley was appointed to head the new Gulf Coast Restoration Organization, which is in charge of cleaning up the oil spill.

BP said that the appointment was effective immediately.

Dudley, who had been in charge of BP's operations in the Americas and Asia, will report to Chief Executive Officer Tony Hayward.

"We were always going to set up the organization," he said on NBC's TODAY show. "But we have across the Gulf Coast people that are there temporarily, rotating in and out. We are going to bed this down now — we're in there for the long haul and we're going to make sure we're sustained and efficient in working with the Coast Guard to shut off the well and through the spill response and clean up."

He also was asked if BP would start deepwater drilling again in the Gulf after a judge lifted a White House moratorium.
He replied that BP will "step back" from the issue while the April 20 rig explosion is investigated. "That process is going to take awhile," he added.

BP is the largest oil and gas producer in the Gulf.

[Note harrowing LACK of information about deaths under this heading.]

New drilling ban order

On Tuesday, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said he will issue a new order imposing a moratorium on deepwater drilling after a federal judge struck down the existing one.

Salazar said in a statement that the new order will contain additional information making clear why the six-month drilling pause was necessary in the wake of the Gulf oil spill. The judge in New Orleans who struck down the moratorium earlier in the day complained there wasn't enough justification for it.

Salazar pointed to indications of inadequate industry safety precautions on deepwater wells. "Based on this ever-growing evidence, I will issue a new order in the coming days that eliminates any doubt that a moratorium is needed, appropriate, and within our authorities."

The White House, which had hoped the ban would provide time to ensure other wells are operating safely, immediately said it would appeal.

The judge's ruling comes in a lawsuit filed by drilling companies to reverse the ban imposed by the Department of Interior, which halted the approval of any new permits for deepwater drilling and suspended drilling at 33 exploratory wells in the Gulf.

The federal judge in Louisiana granted the drillers' request for a preliminary restraining order that would prevent the ban from taking effect until a trial is held. He did not set a trial date.

District Judge Martin Feldman said the Interior Department failed to provide adequate reasoning and that the moratorium seems to assume that because one rig failed, all companies and rigs doing deepwater drilling pose an imminent danger.

White House press secretary Robert Gibbs countered that "continuing to drill at these depths without knowing what happened does not make any sense and ... potentially puts the safety of those on the rigs and the safety of the environment in the Gulf at a danger that the president does not believe we can afford right now."

[Except, of course, they/we DO know what happened.]

[Oh, oh! All in a good cause, you say? Well, do think again. Lies in good causes tend to turn around and bite big chunks off yer ass sooner or later... and lately the karma is dizzyingly swift. So, yes, THINK AGAIN.]

Salazar said in his late Tuesday statement imposing a moratorium "was and is the right decision."

[Indeed, indeed, but it isn't exactly a moratorium at all, and certainly NOT for the reasons stated, and these should be amended YESTERDAY.]

"We see clear evidence every day, as oil spills from BP's well, of the need for a pause on deepwater drilling," Salazar said. "That evidence mounts as BP continues to be unable to stop its blowout, notwithstanding the huge efforts and help from the federal scientific team and most major oil companies operating in the Gulf of Mexico."

Does judge own oil stock?

Feldman's financial disclosure report for 2008, the most recent available, shows holdings in at least eight petroleum companies or companies that invest in them, including Transocean Ltd., which owned the Deepwater Horizon. The report shows that most of his holdings were valued at less than $15,000, though it did not provide specific amounts.

It's not clear whether Feldman still has all of the energy industry stock listed in the report. Recent court filings indicate he may no longer have Transocean shares. He did not own any shares in big companies such as BP PLC, which was leasing the rig that exploded, or ExxonMobil.

Feldman did not immediately respond to a request for comment about his current holdings.

Josh Reichert, managing director of the Pew Environment Group, said his ruling should be rescinded if he still has investments in companies that could benefit from Tuesday's ruling.

"If Judge Feldman has any investments in oil and gas operators in the Gulf, it represents a flagrant conflict of interest," he said. "It is possible that he has sold off those assets. We just don't know."

The Associated Press, Reuters and NBC News contributed to this report.
Good morning, everyone.


i'm feeling a very hard pull

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To a place I don't even like, but love nonetheless. The Republic of Lakotah is inhospitable to ocean and mountain lovers, to humans. Eastern Montana and Wyoming and the Dakotas are flat grasslands, with winds that blow anger into your bones, and it is worse in the towns. This was not the case before wasichu, before the buffalo were slaughtered so as to starve the natives, but it has long been the case, and, incredibly, the United States seems determined to continue to make it more hellish, for drill, every chance it gets... a sort of endless revenge for the pig demon Custer and his ilk who bought it at Greasy Grass a hundred and thirty-four years ago this Friday and Saturday.

Over at al Jazeera this morning I contemplated Russia now getting into it with another former-Soviet-now-failed state over gas, and an opinion piece about Turkey's place in the hearts of Palestinians and the Arab World in general. It all just boiled down in my mind to the hate continuing to pump from wasichu like the toxic flow from Macondo into the Gulf of Mexico, which, maybe you haven't thought it yet, will almost certainly go on to do to the whole planet exactly what wasichu has been doing, lo, these entirely too many years... poison snakes slithering out from a central hole and covering the globe... "diplomats" and "intelligence agents" and "industrialists" and "economists" and "financiers"... poison snakes forming a slithering web around this planet.

It just keeps saying to me that any of us who cannot, could not ever, throw in with the snakes who "govern" us, should now be applying for Lakotah citizenship, jumping through whatever hoops it takes to both learn and rebuild true humanity there, let that be where we make our world over again.

We could start by tearing down the fences for the buffalo, and tearing down the multifarious monuments to dead fuckers, piles of petrified shit bolted to the landscape, drive out the liquor stores, build an entirely new kind of university and blow those evil winds back off the plains. That would be a start.


22 June 2010

fascism day

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Since today is Fascism Day on my blog:
Monsanto Wins as Supreme Court Backs Alfalfa Seed Planting
By Greg Stohr - Jun 21, 2010

The U.S. Supreme Court, ruling in favor of Monsanto Co., overturned a judge’s ban on the planting of alfalfa seeds engineered to be resistant to the company’s Roundup herbicide.

The 7-1 ruling shifts the focus of the environmental dispute to the Agriculture Department, which under today’s ruling now can consider allowing limited planting. That would be an interim measure while the USDA finishes an environmental impact statement that ultimately might clear the way for unrestricted planting.

The justices said a federal judge in San Francisco went too far when he placed a nationwide ban on so-called Roundup-ready alfalfa seeds because of the possibility they would contaminate other plants.

“An injunction is a drastic and extraordinary remedy, which should not be granted as a matter of course,” Justice Samuel Alito wrote for the majority. Justice John Paul Stevens was the lone dissenter.

Today’s decision may affect a similar fight being waged over Monsanto’s Roundup-tolerant sugar beet seeds.

Alfalfa, the fourth-most-planted U.S. crop behind corn, soybeans and wheat, is worth $9 billion a year, with annual seed sales valued at $63 million, according to a USDA study. Dairy cows are the primary consumers of alfalfa hay.

The trial judge who blocked all planting was U.S. District Judge Charles Breyer, brother of Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer. As is his custom in such cases, Stephen Breyer didn’t take part in today’s ruling.

Appeals Court

A San Francisco-based federal appeals court upheld Breyer’s order banning the planting. The Obama administration backed St. Louis-based Monsanto in the case.

Farmers and environmental groups, represented by the Washington-based Center for Food Safety, sued to halt use of the alfalfa seeds.

They contended -- and Breyer agreed -- that the Agriculture Department was required to prepare an environmental impact statement before authorizing unrestricted planting of the seeds. That finding wasn’t at issue in the Supreme Court case, which focused on whether the nationwide planting ban was an appropriate interim step.

A draft environmental impact statement released in December reported no significant effect from the seeds on the environment or human health. The USDA said Roundup Ready alfalfa can reduce costs and yield more valuable hay because it contains fewer weeds. During arguments in December, a government lawyer said the final statement would probably be ready in about a year.

Organic alfalfa production has nearly doubled in recent years, while still accounting for less than 1 percent of total output, according to the USDA.

About 5,500 growers planted 263,000 acres of Roundup Ready alfalfa before the ban went into effect, Monsanto says. Monsanto doesn’t produce the seeds itself, instead licensing the technology to alfalfa seed makers including Forage Genetics International.

The case is Monsanto v. Geertson Seed Farms, 09-475.
Should I bother writing a love letter to Justice Stevens? Does it matter anymore?

one of my heroes rubs it in

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Just LOOK at that goddam tub! What a bitch!


I maybe shouldn't have read the interview. I mean, I know it's all publicity and claptrap, but one would CERTAINLY prefer great actresses to do better than that.

Anyway, heavy sigh, she's a damn bitch for flaunting that tub.


it's fucking gay

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I can feel the desperate remorse and helpless grief of making it finally to wisdom too late. It is only ours to turn this into flourishing health and unbreakable integrity and we do not. By the time we understand the full consequence of our evasions in youth we are too old to exert the force to turn it around. My ancestors were not so ignorant and cannibalistic as to revile the aged as we do. You have no idea how long it took me to find an image of an old woman that wasn't either the odious and oozingly despicable imposture of Boomers exalting our vitality, our preternatural youthfulness, for the quatrillionth time, or a pure and blatant portraiture of hatred and fear itself, projected onto the features of beauty too recondite for cavemen, for Western "civilization", showing not the ugliness of the subject but the filthiness of the observer.

I'd thought the painters would be kinder than the photographers, but I was wrong... found myself grabbing pieces to doodle up into something less damning—less terrified, less vicious with the kind of energy only achieved by the terrified—very, very busy today, trying to make a little universe of not hateful imagery... holding up a cross and shaking garlands of garlic at sentient beings.



Nowadays, it just seems, well, pragmatic.

Barking mad. We've gone barking mad.


tweet this, you bastards

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A-fucking-men! If you won't listen to me, listen to this guy!

And this guy:


barking mad

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We've all gone barking mad.

Submarine Volcano Eruption....


And Another....


Hydrothermal Vents....

More Hydrothermal Vents....

The Meek Inheriting the Earth....

They definitely opened up a can of whupass down there. The good news is that there are critters who thrive on this shit.

who do i kill?

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This has been in progress, full throttle for sixty-three days now... right? They're still pumping us full of methane... and think how much WORSE it is if you imagine for a moment that this prattle is TRUE, an accurate reporting of the official state of knowledge and response to date. I can only kill myself so many times in a row before it stops being effective.




21 June 2010

oh, andy, i hope you're not holding your breath

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Andy Worthington is a saint. He NEVER stops trying to end the plight of detainees left at Guantánamo. He's a damn hero, and Obama is a total shit.

Poor widdle impotent dictator....


i believe the iranians

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They aren't liars... and there's every reason to believe we put in liar inspectors at the IAEA after having to suffer through their deuced peaceable truth-telling all this time. I mean, what a constant drag on the propaganda machine those guys were! Fuck! There was liable to be a country or two still autonomous if they kept up with that! Pain in the ass, but putting in scumbuckets who can be bought is much easier than having to constantly battle with integrity to get what you want.



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And if this whole thing has been but a ruse to try to smoke out whoever has leaked the videos to Wikileaks, going along as though every effort to defend Manning were being made is the perfect, perfect, perfect response. We still have to get our chains yanked, but maybe Assange can save the world... or at least SOME immortal souls.


the wendigo is wasichu

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These asswipes really get on my nerves. This climate change bullshit has GOT to stop. I can completely hang with why so many are so skeptical of the whole thing, seeing as I have how utterly deluded, venal, eager to accommodate funders, and outright evil even the best universities and their staffs have been, are now, and can be expected to keep being for the rest of time, but what drives me up a wall is these FUCKHEADS, these cannibals taking potshots, screaming and screeching, foaming at the mouth and generally acting like dancing pigs with rabies, instead of, say, going out and measuring the oceans' acidity and discerning for themselves if, anthropogenic or otherwise, our planet is as apocalyptically sick as ANYONE WITH EYES CAN TELL SOMETHING REALLY SERIOUS NEEDS DOING ABOUT IT...


These bottomlessly entitled wasichu need to get OFF their lazy, lazy, lazy, genocidally IGNORANT, asses and DO THE WORK to be decent human beings. The planet is coming down around our ears and I am SICK of this filthy bickering where unity and altruism belong.


the upside of global cataclysm

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So here we get the news that Icelandic whalers consider themselves farmers. Good one. I'd like to go inspect their barns and feed silos, wouldn't you? If we have created a global holocaust with this mess in the Gulf, or if our efforts to ignite WWIII are successful, the upside is definitely going to be that what might possibly remain here of humanity will not have the means for any more industrial slaughter. That can only be seen as a plus for all sentient beings.

There is NOTHING wrong with hunting for food. There is EVERYTHING wrong with continuing to hunt beings to extinction.

I don't care WHAT is your heritage or custom, it IS NOT a waiver for this bottom line.


another link i have to keep chasing around

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I love it so much that it's worth all the work to continually be trying to find it.

The sound quality is even better on this one....

Enjoy the links while they last. Memorize it to google when they haul down these videos.


russell means freedom

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I love him.


how about a spot of fiction?

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Take you out of your body....


20 June 2010

the mortally depressing world

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It's as though if only someone will write it, it will be so. I really don't find it the least surprising that some of us are petitioning transdimensional beings for help in sealing the Gulf blowout. I'm about ready to petition them too... almost certainly gonna be more effective than petitioning anyone else.


Honestly, I was off after something on the fun side... maybe some levity... maybe something pretty... maybe something intriguing... but, no, it was all dark, frighteningly vapid or too stupid to be borne. Then I thought I had the moxie to watch ONE little snippet of PBS reportage on the blowout, thinking possibly my assessment may have been too harsh and they might be presenting some worthy information and expertise... some daffodil was showing a graphic of the Gulf Stream and earnestly asking if this scenario might actually play out... that we slime the whole right coast, Iceland, Greenland, Europe... this was downplayed as remotely feasible. She asked about the likelihood of success with efforts to attach a big hose to the crippled apparatus while waiting for the relief wells and was told that while this has never been done at this depth before, there was every reason to expect it would work at least a little. At this point, I committed suicide and so am not likely to try that again.


father's day

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Still, all I want is to just hug him and never stop.


space lizard researchers get some mainstream backup

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The AP decides to cover the bases:
Gulf oil full of methane, adding new concerns
18 June 2010

NEW ORLEANS — It is an overlooked danger in oil spill crisis: The crude gushing from the well contains vast amounts of natural gas that could pose a serious threat to the Gulf of Mexico's fragile ecosystem.

The oil emanating from the seafloor contains about 40 percent methane, compared with about 5 percent found in typical oil deposits, said John Kessler, a Texas A&M University oceanographer who is studying the impact of methane from the spill.

That means huge quantities of methane have entered the Gulf, scientists say, potentially suffocating marine life and creating "dead zones" where oxygen is so depleted that nothing lives.

"This is the most vigorous methane eruption in modern human history," Kessler said.

Methane is a colorless, odorless and flammable substance that is a major component in the natural gas used to heat people's homes. Petroleum engineers typically burn off excess gas attached to crude before the oil is shipped off to the refinery. That's exactly what BP has done as it has captured more than 7.5 million gallons of crude from the breached well.

A BP spokesman said the company was burning about 30 million cubic feet of natural gas daily from the source of the leak, adding up to about 450 million cubic feet since the containment effort started 15 days ago. That's enough gas to heat about 450,000 homes for four days.

But that figure does not account for gas that eluded containment efforts and wound up in the water, leaving behind huge amounts of methane.

BP PLC said a containment cap sitting over the leaking well funneled about 619,500 gallons of oil to a drillship waiting on the ocean surface on Wednesday. Meanwhile, a specialized flare siphoning oil and gas from a stack of pipes on the seafloor burned roughly 161,700 gallons.

Thursday was focused on Capitol Hill, where lawmakers chastised BP CEO Tony Hayward.

Testifying as oil still surged into the Gulf at between 1.47 million and 2.52 million gallons a day, coating more coastal land and marshes, Hayward declared "I am so devastated with this accident," "deeply sorry" and "so distraught."

But he also said he was out of the loop on decisions at the well and disclaimed knowledge of any of the myriad problems on and under the Deepwater Horizon rig before the deadly explosion. BP was leasing the rig the Deepwater Horizon that exploded April 20, killing 11 workers and triggering the environmental disaster.

"BP blew it," said Rep. Bart Stupak, D-Mich., chairman of the House investigations panel that held the hearing. "You cut corners to save money and time."

As for the methane, scientists are still trying to measure how much has escaped into the water and how it may damage the Gulf and it creatures.

The dangerous gas has played an important role throughout the disaster and response. A bubble of methane is believed to have burst up from the seafloor and ignited the rig explosion. Methane crystals also clogged a four-story containment box that engineers earlier tried to place on top of the breached well.

Now it is being looked at as an environmental concern.

The small microbes that live in the sea have been feeding on the oil and natural gas in the water and are consuming larger quantities of oxygen, which they need to digest food. As they draw more oxygen from the water, it creates two problems. When oxygen levels drop low enough, the breakdown of oil grinds to a halt; and as it is depleted in the water, most life can't be sustained.

The National Science Foundation funded research on methane in the Gulf amid concerns about the depths of the oil plume and questions what role natural gas was playing in keeping the oil below the surface, said David Garrison, a program director in the federal agency who specializes in biological oceanography.

"This has the potential to harm the ecosystem in ways that we don't know," Garrison said. "It's a complex problem."

In early June, a research team led by Samantha Joye of the Institute of Undersea Research and Technology at the University of Georgia investigated a 15-mile-long plume drifting southwest from the leak site. They said they found methane concentrations up to 10,000 times higher than normal, and oxygen levels depleted by 40 percent or more.

The scientists found that some parts of the plume had oxygen concentrations just shy of the level that tips ocean waters into the category of "dead zone" — a region uninhabitable to fish, crabs, shrimp and other marine creatures.

Kessler has encountered similar findings. Since he began his on-site research on Saturday, he said he has already found oxygen depletions of between 2 percent and 30 percent in waters 1,000 feet deep.

Shallow waters are normally more susceptible to oxygen depletion. Because it is being found in such deep waters, both Kessler and Joye do not know what is causing the depletion and what the impact could be in the long- or short-term.

In an e-mail, Joye called her findings "the most bizarre looking oxygen profiles I have ever seen anywhere."

Representatives of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration acknowledged that so much methane in the water could draw down oxygen levels and slow the breakdown of oil in the Gulf, but cautioned that research was still under way to understand the ramifications.

"We haven't seen any long-term changes or trends at this point," said Robert Haddad, chief of the agency's assessment and restoration division.

Haddad said early efforts to monitor the spill had focused largely on the more toxic components of oil. However, as new data comes in, he said NOAA and other federal agencies will get a more accurate read on methane concentrations and the effects.

"The question is what's going on in the deeper, colder parts of the ocean," he said. "Are the (methane) concentrations going to overcome the amount of available oxygen? We want to make sure we're not overloading the system."

BP spokesman Mark Proegler disputed Joye's suggestion that the Gulf's deep waters contain large amounts of methane, noting that water samples taken by BP and federal agencies have shown minimal underwater oil outside the spill's vicinity.

"The gas that escapes, what we don't flare, goes up to the surface and is gone," he said.

Steven DiMarco, an oceanographer at Texas A&M University who has studied a long-known "dead zone" in the Gulf, said one example of marine life that could be affected by low oxygen levels in deeper waters would be giant squid — the food of choice for the endangered sperm whale population. Squid live primarily in deep water, and would be disrupted by lower oxygen levels, DiMarco said.
Isn't that exciting?

I don't know if this is a good sign... or if they like us as freaked as ultimately possible... but there you have it. I love this sentence: Now it is being looked at as an environmental concern. Don't you? I mean, bully! TWO months into a mega-disaster they think maybe they should start testing the water chemistry? This might have an environmental impact? Fuck. No, no, it's all lies, all bullshit, all blather, but still... the airy fairy types counsel I should look upon these people as angry abused children. I keep with this STUPID notion that people over the age of, say, twenty-five should be expected to comport themselves as ADULTS, fully functioning ADULTS. They may well be EXACTLY analogous to abused children who are so hurt and angry they are locked in sociopathy, but I also remember that my ancestors looked at it the same way, saw immediately that wasichu was suffering with serious bad medicine, stunted growth, lack of breast feeding, major major major major major immaturity, tried EVERYTHING to grow these maniacs up before they killed off the earth and everything on it, and were slaughtered for their trouble.



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Iran had him for four months. An unquestionably guilty, unquestionably American-backed, terrorist and murderer was arrested, interrogated, tried and hung within the space of four months. Consider the hundreds, maybe thousands of not even suspected to be guilty men we are holding, have been holding for years, torturing, have been torturing for years, not even giving ONE chance to get in front of a judge in all those years, AND the scores of them we have already KILLED this way. Which is the country more concerned with human rights again?

I get this mixed up....


hours and hours and hours of important listening

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Instead of church....


So you need to be able to mirror it.
